Posts filed under: Germany

Das Beste (Silbermond) – A Perfect Song For My Feelings

There are those moments when you hear a song that so perfectly fits someone you know that you can't help but think of them whenever it's played. These melodies become special and never leave your heart. Just as that special... Read More

2014: Brief Reflections

Twelve months ago, I began my unexpected return to the US, after living in Germany for two and a half years. For my last nine days, I stayed with old friends in the Odenwald region. They wanted to make sure... Read More

The Huffington Post: The Outing of a Recovering Homophobe

“I’ve used the “F” word in the past. It’s not something I’m proud to admit. And I wasn’t comfortable seeing two guys kiss in public. Funny, seeing two women never affected me the same way. The internal conflict grew stronger... Read More

#Umfrage für deutsche #Frauen

Hier ist eine interessante Umfrage für deutsche Frauen: Ist Knigge tot? Blog: “When in Germany…” (Englisch) =================== Being a racist vs. having a prejudice: Is there a difference? Often you can talk about race easier with humor. For a FREE peek inside of my... Read More


This is for those women who are in this situation, whether in America, Germany or elsewhere. Easier…Instead It’s really easier to love her the way a real man would. Instead it’s not that important to treat her the way you... Read More

A Cruel Cycle

This is a poem I wrote one evening as I sat in the corner of a room observing the activity and reflecting on my time here in Germany. It’s a beautiful country, but what I notice is often sad. A... Read More

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day: Bernice King on Barack Obama and her father’s legacy

  Bernice Albertine King, second daughter and youngest child of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., speaks with the BBC about President Obama, poverty, guns, and her father’s legacy. Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, America! Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day to... Read More